EIP-7723: Network Upgrade Inclusion Stages

Overview of the various stages Core EIPs go through before their activation in network upgrades.

Status: Last CallMetaCreated: 2024-06-12
Tim Beiko (@timbeiko)


Define the stages that EIPs go through in the process of planning network upgrades: Proposed for Inclusion, Considered for Inclusion, Scheduled for Inclusion, Declined for Inclusion and Included.


This EIP proposes definitions for the various stages EIPs go through when planning network upgrades. It also provides context and guidelines around when and how EIPs should be moved from one stage to the next.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

All EIP statuses apply to a single network upgrade. EIPs must be Proposed, Considered, Declined or Scheduled separately for each network upgrade. While an EIP cannot be Included in two network upgrades, an EIP being Declined for Inclusion in a previous upgrade does not prevent it from being Proposed, Considered, Declined or Scheduled for inclusion in any future upgrade.

The statuses below are generally defined for Core EIPs, which must be activated synchronously by all nodes on a network. To help with prioritization and communications, non-Core EIPs may also be assigned these statuses. The differences in the process and implications for non-Core EIPs are noted in each status definition.

Upgrade Meta EIPs

Anyone MAY draft a Meta EIP to list EIPs for a network upgrade. This Meta EIP SHOULD include four categories in its specification section: Proposed for Inclusion, Declined for Inclusion, Considered for Inclusion and Scheduled for Inclusion. Even if a category is empty, it SHOULD be included in the initial draft for clarity.

When the Upgrade Meta EIP is moved to Last Call, the Proposed for Inclusion, Declined for Inclusion and Considered for Inclusion lists SHOULD be removed, leaving only Scheduled for Inclusion.

Before the Upgrade Meta EIP is moved to Final, the Scheduled for Inclusion stage MUST be renamed to Included and contain only EIPs that were activated in the upgrade.

Upgrade Devnets

When preparing a network upgrade, client developers typically implement EIPs first on an ephemeral test network (upgrade devnet) to verify client interoperability, before deploying to long-lived test networks. These upgrade devnets follow a naming convention of upgradeName-devnet-version (e.g. pectra-devnet-0 for the first upgrade devnet of the Pectra network upgrade, dencun-devnet-1 for the second upgrade devnet of the Dencun update, etc).

Since client developers' ability to include EIPs in a network upgrade is constrained by what can be implemented and tested in these upgrade devnets, the Considered for Inclusion and Scheduled for Inclusion sections below propose aligning these statuses with EIPs' implementation status in upgrade devnets.

Proposed for Inclusion

To propose an EIP for inclusion, someone MUST open a pull request to add it to the Proposed for Inclusion section of the Upgrade Meta EIP. Reasonable pull requests SHOULD be merged in a timely fashion by the Upgrade Meta EIP author.

At this stage, implementation teams SHOULD review the EIP. For Core EIPs, this should be in the context of including it in the next upgrade. For non-Core EIPs, this should be in the context of supporting the EIP before the network upgrade is activated.

Note that EIPs must be Proposed for Inclusion for each network upgrade. In other words, proposals do not "carry over" to the next upgrade if an EIP is not included in the one it was first proposed for.

Considered for Inclusion

Once client developers have reviewed an EIP which was Proposed for Inclusion, they MAY move it to the Considered for Inclusion stage. Once a decision is made by client teams to move an EIP to Considered for Inclusion, the Upgrade Meta EIP SHOULD be updated to reflect this.

Considered for Inclusion signals that client developers are positive towards the EIP. A Core EIP that is Considered for Inclusion SHOULD be implemented in future Upgrade Devnets. Assuming it meets all the requirements for mainnet deployment it MAY be included in the network upgrade. This stage is similar to "concept ACK" in other open source projects, and is not sufficient to result in deployment to mainnet.

Non-Core EIPs that are Considered for Inclusion SHOULD be supported prior to the network upgrade being activated.

An EIP MAY be moved from Considered for Inclusion to Declined for Inclusion if client teams are against including the EIP in the network upgrade.

Declined for Inclusion

At any time during the network upgrade planning process, client developers MAY move EIPs from any other stage to the Declined for Inclusion stage if client teams are against including the EIP in the network upgrade. Once a decision is made by client teams to move an EIP to Declined for Inclusion, the Upgrade Meta EIP SHOULD be updated to reflect this.

Declined for Inclusion signals that client developers wish to exclude the EIP from the current network upgrade and stop discussing its potential inclusion or implementation status in relation to this upgrade. An EIP which was Declined for Inclusion in a particular upgrade MAY still be Proposed for Inclusion in a subsequent upgrade. In exceptional circumstances, client developers MAY choose to move an EIP from Declined for Inclusion to Considered for Inclusion or Scheduled for Inclusion.

Scheduled for Inclusion

When client teams agree to implement a Core EIP in the next Upgrade Devnet, the EIP SHOULD move to the Scheduled for Inclusion stage, and the Upgrade Meta EIP SHOULD be updated to reflect this. Non-Core EIPs SHOULD move to Scheduled for Inclusion when client teams agree to immediately prioritize their implementation.

Scheduled for Inclusion signals that implementation and testing work are underway. The EIP SHOULD be included in the network upgrade if no issues arise. The latest Upgrade Devnet must contain all Scheduled for Inclusion Core EIPs.

An EIP MAY be moved from Scheduled for Inclusion to Declined for Inclusion if client teams are against including the EIP in the network upgrade. An EIP MAY also be moved from Scheduled for Inclusion to Considered for Inclusion if client teams are in favor of including the EIP in the network upgrade but cannot commit to including it in the next Upgrade Devnet.


After network upgrade activation, all included Core EIPs and activated non-Core EIPs MUST be moved to Included in the Meta EIP. All other status lists MUST be removed from the Meta EIP.

Included signals that the EIPs have been activated as part of the network upgrade.


Formalizing the Proposed for Inclusion, Considered for Inclusion, Scheduled for Inclusion, Declined for Inclusion and Included stages provides better legibility to both protocol maintainers and the broader Ethereum community.

The specification tries to minimize steps which MUST be followed to align with Ethereum's "rough consensus" governance model.

Assuming it is adopted, the process outlined in this EIP should be used for at least one full network upgrade cycle before moving to Last Call and at least two full network upgrades cycles before moving to Final. This way, the EIP can be updated to reflect changes made to the process over time.

Backwards Compatibility

This EIP does not directly change the Ethereum protocol. It formalizes parts of the current network upgrade planning process.

Security Considerations



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