CAIP-4: Blockchain Reference for the BIP122 Namespace

Status: SupersededStandardCreated: 2019-12-05
Simon Warta (@webmaster128), ligi (, Pedro Gomes (@pedrouid)

Simple Summary

This document is about the details of the BIP122 namespace and reference for CAIP-2.


In CAIP-2 a general blockchain identification scheme is defined. This is the implementation of CAIP-2 for BIP122 (Bitcoin).


See CAIP-2.


BIP122 Namespace

The namespace is called "bip122" as in BIP122.

Reference Definition

The definition is delegated to BIP122's chain ID definition. The format is a 32 character prefix of the block hash from BIP122 (lower case hex).

Resolution Method

To resolve a blockchain reference for the BIP122 namespace, make a JSON-RPC request to the blockchain node with method getblockhash, for example:

The response will return as a value for the result a hash for the block with height 0 that should be sliced to its first 16 bytes (32 characters for base 16) to be CAIP-4 compatible.


We delegate the identification of Bitcoin-like chains to BIP122, as this is the best Bitcoin chain identification standard known to the authors of this CAIP.

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable

Test Cases

This is a list of manually composed examples



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